Florida Mayhem Overwatch team
Especially for fans of predictions and bets, we update the key performance statistics of Florida Mayhem in real-time. Follow the favorite team and make profitable bets!
How Florida Mayhem was playing in the last matches:
Victories in the recent 5 matches: ().
Victories in the recent 10 matches: ().
The number of matches, which were played by Florida Mayhem in the past 3 months - . Also, the number of won matches - , which amounted .
The number of matches, which were played by Florida Mayhem in the past year - . Also, the number of won matches - , which amounted .
All fans of the team Florida Mayhem should remember the following date - Coming soon. At this time, Florida Mayhem will face in the match with Coming soon at the championship Coming soon.
It will not be odd to mention that Florida Mayhem faced in its previous match with the team on . The opponents played this match at the tournament .
The team won that match with a score of .