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HomeBlogChoosing the Right Platform for Your eSports Journey

Choosing the Right Platform for Your eSports Journey

Elen Stelmakh
Choosing the Right Platform for Your eSports Journey

When we already have a system for regular gaming, that's the one we use to play eSports games. So what happens if you're starting without an existing base, and you need to find the best platform for you? What aspects really matter, and how do you get the most bang for your buck? Here we'll break down the basics, to set you off on the best foot possible.

Choosing Based on Game Selection

If you already have a game or set of games in mind that you want to play, then it can be best to choose based on the ideal platform for these titles. Some games like MOBAs are almost exclusively found on PC, for example. Even for multiplatform games, competitive players will tend to gravitate towards one particular system.

Traditionally, PCs have been the home of diehard eSports enthusiasts, but this isn’t always the case today. Modern fighting games like Street Fighter 6 play just as well on PS5 and Xbox Series X as they do on computers. Even in FPS games that used to be dominated by PC players, modern aim assists mean that console players can compete and even beat the best mouse and keyboard users. The effect of the platform will vary considerably, however, so remember to research this first.

Deciding on Cost

Gaming can be an expensive hobby, both in terms of initial setup and game costs but there are often ways to get more for less. Our digital world makes this simpler, and we can look to several industries to see evidence of the concept. In online casino gaming, there are sites that rank the top 6 online real money casino websites and make it easier for players to understand what each platform has to offer. That could be free spins or cash deposit matches. Different video gaming platforms can offer similar bonuses, which can help save a lot of money in the long run.

For consoles, certain sites document the monthly subscriptions you’ll need to play free games online. "Free" is something most gamers will welcome, but you may have to compromise on choice: via this method, you'll be able to play but won't necessarily find the exact titles you want. An increasing number of eSports games are going F2P, but this isn't true of them all. If your priority is to keep trying new titles, a digital-only model may not be for you. You might find it best to buy a system that allows second-hand purchases, opting for a PC or a console with a disc drive instead.

Ongoing Support

A cornerstone of eSports titles is evolution, but not all platforms are updated equally. Support for console eSports games will tend to lag behind PC games, for example, especially once a new generation of systems is released. On the other hand, games that don't offer cross-play will tend to have larger communities on console, which means weighing ongoing updates of a game against the ability to find others to play with.

Choosing the Right Platform for Your eSports Journey 1

The best eSports platform for you is a highly personal question. There is no wrong or right answer, it's all up to your tastes and wants. With the gap between consoles and PCs diminishing, you also have less to fear than ever from making a wrong choice. Put the research in, consider your options carefully, and you'll be more likely to find a system that will leave you happy for years to come.

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Elen Stelmakh

Elen Stelmakh is a creative individual dedicated to advancing gaming culture through articles and visual design. As a full-time EGamersWorld author and designer for a gaming website, Elen not only creates content but also infuses it with energy and creativity.


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