Flamengo eSports LoL team
Line-up Flamengo eSports
Recent matches Flamengo eSports
Events with Flamengo eSports
Past events
The most important information about a team is its performance statistics. So it is worth to check the key performance indicators of Flamengo eSports.
Main indicators of Flamengo eSports in the last matches:
Victories in the recent 5 matches: 1 (50%).
Victories in the recent 10 matches: 1 (50%).
Flamengo eSports played matches over the last 3 months and won matches - 0%.
Over the past year, Flamengo eSports played 2 matches and achieved victory in 1 matches - 50%.
The next match of the team Flamengo eSports will be carried out against the team Coming soon. According to the schedule of the tournament Coming soon, the match will be held on Coming soon.
It will not be odd to mention that Flamengo eSports faced in its previous match with the team Vivo Keyd Stars on 30.10.2023. The opponents played this match at the tournament MEG League of Legends 2023.
The victory in the above-mentioned matchup was achieved by the esportsmen from Vivo Keyd Stars with a result of 2:0.
The last matches of Flamengo eSports do not make their fans happy. 1 victory(victories) in 5 matches make us think that the team has not gained its gaming shape.