9z Counter-Strike (CS2) team
Line-up 9z
Upcoming matches 9z
Recent matches 9z
Events with 9z
Past events
Actual performance statistics can hardly be overestimated. So on the website EGamersWorld, you will always find actual information about the recent performance of 9z.
What play 9z demonstrated in the last matches:
The number of victories in the last 5 matches: 1 (20%).
The number of matches, which were played by 9z in the past 3 months - 19. Also, the number of won matches - 7, which amounted 37%.
The number of matches, which were played by 9z in the past year - 123. Also, the number of won matches - 66, which amounted 54%.
All fans of the team 9z should remember the following date - 17.10.2024. At this time, 9z will face in the match with ENCE at the championship Elisa Masters Espoo 2024.
It will not be odd to mention that 9z faced in its previous match with the team Virtus.pro on 08.10.2024. The opponents played this match at the tournament Intel Extreme Masters Rio 2024.
In the above-mentioned match, the players from the team Virtus.pro appeared to be stronger who defeated the opponent with a score of 1:2.
The ratio of 1 victory(victories) (20%) in the last 5 matches can’t allow us to evaluate the current gaming state of the team 9z objectively.