Recent matches FULL SENSE
Events with FULL SENSE
Past events
To find out in what shape FULL SENSE is, it is necessary to know the statistics of recent matches and also a performance at a particular tournament. This information will allow fans of the discipline VALORANT and those who make bets to understand a particular shape of a team and chances to succeed in a match or a tournament.
Main indicators of FULL SENSE in the last matches:
Victories in the recent 5 matches: 3 (60%).
Victories in the recent 10 matches: 6 (60%).
FULL SENSE played 13 matches over the last 3 months and won 8 matches - 62%.
Over the past year, FULL SENSE played 39 matches and achieved victory in 29 matches - 75%.
The next match of the team FULL SENSE will be carried out against the team Coming soon. According to the schedule of the tournament Coming soon, the match will be held on Coming soon.
The team FULL SENSE played its previous match at the esports tournament VCT 2024: Ascension Pacific on 28.09.2024. The team BOOM Esports was an opponent in the match.
The victory in the above-mentioned matchup was achieved by the esportsmen from BOOM Esports with a result of 1:3.
In the last matches, FULL SENSE were showing an unstable play with the general winrate of 60%% (3 victory(victories) out of 5).