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Préndelo Dota 2 team

5 matches
0% Wins
0% Losses
10 matches
0% Wins
0% Losses
Last month
0% Wins
0% Losses
Last year
0% Wins
0% Losses

Last active roster Préndelo


To find out in what shape Préndelo is, it is necessary to know the statistics of recent matches and also a performance at a particular tournament. This information will allow fans of the discipline Dota 2 and those who make bets to understand a particular shape of a team and chances to succeed in a match or a tournament.

Game statistics of Préndelo in the last matches:

The last 5 matches: the number of victories amounts ().
The last 10 matches: the number of victories amounts ().

Préndelo played matches over the last 3 months and won matches - .
Over the past year, Préndelo played matches and achieved victory in matches - .

All fans of the team Préndelo should remember the following date - Coming soon. At this time, Préndelo will face in the match with Coming soon at the championship Coming soon.

The tournament was a place for the last match of Préndelo. At the above-mentioned event, Préndelo played a match against the team , which was carried out on .

The team won that match with a score of .

The ratio of victory(victories) () in the last 5 matches can’t allow us to evaluate the current gaming state of the team Préndelo objectively.


What is the current roster of Préndelo Dota 2
In last matches for Préndelo played: UNIC_16, https://trovo.live/Pazzinii, doomsday, Jefe de equipo
When is the umcoming match for Préndelo Dota 2
Information about the upcoming Préndelo matches is currently unavailable. Stay tuned on EGamersWorld
What is the nearest tournament with the participation of Préndelo Dota 2
Upcoming tournaments Préndelo will play in EGamersWorld
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