CPH Wolves Counter-Strike (CS2) team
Line-up CPH Wolves
Upcoming matches CPH Wolves
Recent matches CPH Wolves
Events with CPH Wolves
Past events
The most important information about a team is its performance statistics. So it is worth to check the key performance indicators of CPH Wolves.
Game statistics of CPH Wolves in the last matches:
The number of victories in the last 5 matches: 3 (60%).
CPH Wolves played 85 matches over the last 3 months and won 47 matches - 56%.
Over the past year, CPH Wolves played 169 matches and achieved victory in 89 matches - 53%.
The next match of the team CPH Wolves will be carried out against the team 9INE. According to the schedule of the tournament Winline Insight Season 6, the match will be held on 13.10.2024.
It is worth reminding that the last match of CPH Wolves was carried out against the team Anonymo Esports at the tournament European Pro League Season 21: Division 2 on 10.10.2024.
The match was over with the well-deserved victory of the team CPH Wolves with a score of 2:0
In the last matches, CPH Wolves were showing an unstable play with the general winrate of 60%% (3 victory(victories) out of 5).